Windows Instructions
  1. Go to - sign in using your TKC email address and password. It will display a message saying the account is managed by and will take you to our single sign-on page. Sign in on that page without the It will open and take you into your TKC Google Drive.
  2. To install Google Drive, look all the way to the left of the screen (under the listing of "My Drive, Shared With Me, Shared..."). Under that you should see Download Google Drive for Your PC. Click on it.
  3. When the pop-up window opens, click Install Drive for PC.
  4. Open googledrivesync.exe to automatically start the installation process. If you see a warning that Google Drive is an application downloaded from the Internet, click Open.
  5. Type your Google Account user name and password to sign in to Google Drive. This will be the account associated with Google Drive for your PC.
  6. Complete the installation instructions.
  7. Click Start and choose Google Drive.

Apple Instructions

  1. Go to - sign in using your TKC email address and password. It will display a message saying the account is managed by and will take you to our single sign-on page. Sign in on that page without the It will open and take you into your TKC Google Drive.
  2. To install Google Drive, look all the way to the left of the screen (under the listing of "My Drive, Shared With Me, Shared..."). Under that you should see Install Drive For Your Computer.
  3. When the pop-up window opens, click Install Drive for Mac.
  4. Open installgoogledrive.dmg (should be in your downloads folder). When the window opens, drag the Google Drive icon into the Applications Folder that you see directly next to it. Complete the installation.
  5. Once installation is complete, look on your desktop. There is an icon that will say "Install Google Drive." Click and drag that to your trash bin (which will look like an upward triangle with a line underneath. It will remove the install from your desktop).
  6. Go into your Applications folder (a shortcut is hitting the COMMAND+SHIFT+A keys at the same time). Look for and double-click on Google Drive. Type your TKC Google Account user name and password to sign in to Google Drive. If it takes you to the TKC single sign-on screen, sign-in again. This will be the account associated with Google Drive for your Computer.